throughout my travels through life i get to meet some pretty interesting people. for some reason i keep running into some very close-minded individuals. they have their preconceived notions about the city and about public education in the city and how horrible of a place to live the city must be because of all the things they hear about crime and etc. i am aware that everyone is entitled to their own opinion however i have a very difficult time accepting their close minded views. i hear people saying things like "kids in the city have no future", "kids in the city are just bad and don't want to learn" and many other very discouraging comments pertaining to the city schools. i always find myself having to try to educate people with this mindset when i run into them. i went to city schools throughout all of my educational history. i went on to graduate in the top 10% of my graduating class, i earned a bachelors degree and eventually earned a masters degree all with the city school quality education as my foundation that led me to the goals that i have accomplished. people always seem to be facinated when i tell them that i went to city schools...one person even said "i figured you had to have gone to a good school, since you are so smart". in those instances i remind people that i did go to a good school despite their preconceived views city schools. when will people learn to be more open minded? when will they learn that every person who goes to a city school does not turn out to be a failure...when will they learn to move past the bad statistics and learn that accept that city schools do not just breed idiots and not every kid will turn out to be just another negative statistic...