You Are Invited To The Blogosphere's Only Progressive Dinner Carnival
Have you ever been to a progressive dinner? You start out at one house or restaurant to have hors d'oeuvres and cocktails, then move on to a different one for appetizers, and continue moving from place to place all the way through dessert.
That's the idea behind the new Progressive Dinner Blog Carnival...
Soup To Nuts is ONE BLOG CARNIVAL presented in five "courses", each with a different host.
Entries are being accepted NOW.
Dinner will be served on Wednesday, January 30th.
{You can submit one post, per blog, on any subject - please do not use any post more than once}
You can participate in 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 courses
The Hors d'oeuvres & Cocktails course...
will be served here, at Fear and Loathing - The Gonzo Papers.
Email your entry for the hors d'oeuvres & cocktails course
to me {subject line Progressive Dinner} at:
The Appetizer course...
will be served at Change Therapy.
Email your entry for the appetizer course
to Isabella {subject line - Progressive Dinner} at:
The First Course...
will be served at Fallen Words
Email your entry for the first course
to Sara {subject line - Progressive Dinner} at:
The Main Course...
will be served at Anja Merret - Chatting To My Generation.
Email your entry for the main course
to Anja {subject line - Progressive Dinner} at:
The Dessert Course...
will be served at Fiction Scribe.
Email your entry for the dessert course
to Jaime {subject line - Progressive Dinner} at:
Your entry should include...
---(-)-> Your name as you want it to appear
---(-)-> The name(s) of your blog(s)
---(-)-> The corresponding URL(s)
---(-)-> The title of your post(s)
---(-)-> The corresponding URL(s)
The Rules are simple...
1. Only English language posts will be accepted.
2. No posts with titles that include profanity or pictures of a sexual nature.
This is a one-of-a-kind blog carnival. The hosts would appreciate your help to promote the event. Let us know if you publish a post promoting the progressive dinner, your effort will be recognized. To make things as easy as possible for all involved, I ask the post more or less follow the structure of this one.
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