of the biggest rollercoaster ive ever been on
ive been in situations that range from
gigantic clusterfucks to absolute bliss
nevertheless im lucky to have people in my life
that i can depend on and grow with
so for the upcoming year im hopin for
less clusterfucks & more bliss…
...2007 ~~~ wRaPpEd Up...
bIgGeSt MoMeNtS: successfully competing my 1st counseling internship & doing so well that they offered me a job, celebrating another year with the love of my life
bIgGeSt ReGrEtS: lost friendships
tRaVeLeD: chicago, watertown, buffalo
pLaNs FoR 2008: graduate from grad school with my masters in mental health counseling, get married, start house hunting to purchase my 1st home, BUY A NEW CAR!!!